Friday, October 11, 2013

What is Smart Pricing & How to Avoid it ?

What is Smart pricing ?
If you have a Google Adsense account and published some ads for Google then you know that Google isn't a charity INC , they make money by giving you the ads that the advertiser gave them to publish it as wide as they can and Take advantage over their rivals.

From that we can get to a simple conclusion Which is Google care in the first place for their advertisers, the advertisers Who give Google their revenue , yes most of Google revenue from two systems (I think) Adword , Adsense………

So Google invented the smart pricing system that is designed to help the advertisers to get back their money if they didn't get what they seek from Google 

How Google Smart Pricing  system work ?
Lets make a Comparison between two publishers in the same field and have the same ads
Mr.A is not smart priced and have a site with 100,000 audience ( traffic ) per day
Mr.B is smart priced with the same as Mr.A
For example…..

Mr.A has 3% CTR ( Click Through Rate ), the amount of his clicker for his ads is about 3000 people, his ads CPC ( Cost per Click ) is 1 $, then he made 3000$ per month, when Google gives you their ads they take about 32% of your earnings and you got 68%, with doing some math  you could know that Mr.A got 2040$ per month   

While Mr.B has the same CTR and CPC for the same ads , he has a different factor that Mr.A doesn’t , and that is Smart Pricing , then his CPC is dropped down so greatly to give him 0.1$ per click or even 0.01$ per click so in that example he will get 204$ or 20.4$ in worst case  per month.

From that example we can see that smart pricing is a real disaster for the publisher. And you can see that there is a good smart pricing and bad one, And to measure the difficulty of the system applicable to you, you should know the factors that making Google Smart Pricing your Account  

What I have done to smart pricing my account?

As told before Google is care much for their advertisers so they smart pricing the publisher who will cost much money without helping them to advertising their products, that mean if you don’t want to get smart priced like Mr.B you have to give the advertisers what they seek from you and that is Potential customers of course.

The factors that make Google Smart Pricing Your Account is :
1-   Your audience time spending in the advertisers website
2-   The place your traffic come from
3-   The purchasing rate of your traffic ( if the advertiser wishes to share that with Google)
4-    Your traffic spending time in your site
and a lot more that only google Know about…

How to Get Potential customer & Avoid Smart Pricing?

Here are some tips to get a Potential customer and avoid Smart pricing:

1- Use Social networking sites rationally

 As many uses regular social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to promote their site in driving traffic, that is a big mistake you will ever do if you don't want to Smart pricing your account because the social networking site give poor quality visitors who will enter your site for several seconds ( bad for SEO too ) and might frequently click on your ads which will lead to lower the value of the click in your site, so don’t make your most from social network sites.

2- Publish useful content and high-valuable
I will tell you the most hated sentences "content is king" yea , and guess what ? I will tell you this one more time "content is king" as bad as it says as well as it is, So make sure to give all you have In the content and make it as useful to the reader as ever to not make him get bored and leave your site faster , and you don't want that, Google gives more authority to the site which give the visitor what they need by checking how much time the visitor spent on your site , so get busy every day and ever never copy paste a content from another site "never".

  3- Work a lot on SEO
"So You have closed all the doors in my face", no I only had closed all the wrong ways doors in all your body not only your face , yes The optimal solution is the search engines way , Accordingly work as much as possible on backlinks, publish targeted content, try to make your site trusted as Authority Site , I know SEO is the mot boring operation in your way to make money online from your home , but believe me  it Worth it

4- Reduce Ad number on your site
I'm amazed how people put ads everywhere in there sits , "term , contact us , about me and member list " some places visitor will never see , you must put two or at most three  ads on your main page and the pages which attracts your audience the most , put them where they can see easily , no tricks at all , Google had a bad mood and don't like any sort of tricks.

5- Avoid clicks which made By mistake & Fraudulent clicks

The clicks that made by mistakes is your straight way to smart priced , either from you or from your Audience , when a visitor clicks the ads by mistake , he will be soon closing it and warn Google That you give them a bad traffic , so put your ads in a place which people can see and recognize.

 6- make only your backlinks on a webs has a high page rank

It’s a golden advice you can get to build a good site , Google has changed its algorithm from quantity, to quantity and quality. But quality is more important now. So you don't need thousands of backlinks in every site you meet , no sir that will not work now , you will get for yourself a junk traffic they will hurt more than do any good , choose carefully and try your best to make a good backlinks which will produce a potential customer.
 Watch what Google says in "smart pricing" from that video


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